In addition, there are several national and international organizations which share our Franciscan charism, including:

  • Franciscans International: Franciscans International is a non-governmental organization (NGO) at the UN with General Consultative status, uniting the voices of Franciscan brothers and sisters from around the world.
  • Franciscan Action Network: Franciscan Action Network is designed to bring a coordinated and effective voice to matters of Justice, Peace and Care for Creation in our world. The particular focus of the Franciscan Action Network's advocacy is the U.S. Government and related Washington, DC based institutions.
  • International Franciscan Conference: The aim of the IFC is to promote genuine communion within and among the Institutes of the Third Order Regular throughout the world by fostering Franciscan life and spirituality in harmony with the spirit and content of the Rule and its fundamental values which are based on the Gospel and are in accordance with the teachings of the Church.
  • Franciscan Federation of Third Order Regular Sisters and Brothers in the U.S. : The Mission of the Franciscan Federation is to promote the exploration and study of Franciscan Evangelical Life and its implications for these times and for our world.

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